Coronavirus (COVID-19) health alert information
For the latest health advice, and Tasmanian Government information and resources about COVID-19, visit:
For general information, including the national response, call the national 24-hour Coronavirus Health Information Line on 1800 020 080.
Check In TAS App
From 1 May 2021 Tasmanians and visitors will be required to use the Check In TAS app when they visit a range of businesses, organisations and events . This will help to keep ourselves, our loved ones and our community safe.
The free Check In TAS app is available for download from the Google Play Store and Apple App Store.
Further information, including the types of premises, is available online at
COVID-19 impact on Communities Tasmania services and activities
Communities Tasmania delivers, supports and funds a range of services, programs and events.
Due to the novel coronavirus (COVID-19) response, a number of activities have been disrupted, postponed or cancelled.
Information on the status of these activities and services can be found here.