Welcome to the Community House

Okines Community House welcomes people living in the Southern Beaches area including Forcett, Lewisham, Dodges Ferry, Carlton, Carlton River, Connellys Marsh and Primrose Sands.

Our aim is to provide a safe and friendly environment for the whole community to meet, share information and resources and strengthen community networks.

We are a member of Neighbourhood Houses Tasmania (NHT) which is the peak body for the 35 Community Houses and Neighbourhood Centres around Tasmania.

We are primarily funded by the Department of Premier and Cabinet Tasmania.  Specific activities are funded by government and community grants.

Our Purpose

To build community, support people and their families, enhancing choices by providing:

  • A safe, warm, friendly community house that is a focal point for all people in the Southern Beaches community. To work together on the things they want to do, need and believe in. A place that promotes and celebrates community strengths and achievements.
  • A program of recreational and supportive activities, programs, events, information, referral and partnerships. To bring needed services into our community that will build, support and strengthen the people and families in our community.
  • A responsible accountable organisation, that manages and governs Okines Community House well. This is done according to the Neighbourhood House Framework and the NHT Manual, on behalf of our members, and the people of the Southern Beaches area.

Community Activities and Services

Our goal is to provide a broad range of educational programs that meet community and individual needs.

We aim to offer programs to cater for everyone from babies and pre-school aged children, school aged children, parents and including everyone through to our more senior community members.

We offer classes in cooking, arts & crafts, Yoga, Tai Chi and more. We run school holiday activities, a choir and our wonderful community garden.

We are always keen to hear from you about your ideas for programs or services that we could run so please let us know your suggestions.

We also offer a range of facilities and services including internet access, photocopying & faxing, room hire and provide information on no-interest loans and other community support services.

We have a range of information, pamphlets and books available. We’ll listen and support you with issues of concern and refer you to other services if need be.

If you have any needs or questions that you would like our help with, please feel free to contact us at any time.

What you can expect

We will:

  • operate in the best interests of the community
  • adhere to all Legislation and Acts
  • be non-judgmental and non-discriminatory
  • support and promote the participation rights of every individual
  • conduct our activities professionally
  • value and welcome your feedback
  • be friendly, caring and welcoming
  • provide quality services and activities
  • work towards continuous improvement in our services and activities
  • maintain high standards of confidentiality
  • provide a grievance procedure

We won’t:

  • open 24 hours a day or late evenings on a regular basis
  • act as a crisis centre
  • do anything without community consultation and discussion with interested stakeholders

We encourage you to:  

  • be welcoming and respectful of all users of our services and activities
  • respect and follow the rules of our Community House whilst participating in our programs and activities
  • adhere to all relevant Acts and Legislation
  • advise us of any complaints, compliments, suggestions in a clear, constructive manner
  • support our organisation by volunteering your time, joining an activity or program, using one of our services or becoming a member of our committee

Board of Management and Staff

Our volunteer Board is made up of local residents from across the Southern Beaches area, who volunteer their time, expertise and knowledge of the community.

Any member of Okines Community House is entitled to stand for a position on the Board of Management. The Board is elected by members at the Annual General Meeting each financial year and the Board meets monthly.

The Okines Community House Manager is accountable to the Board of Management for the financial and administrative aspects of the organisation’s day to day operation.

The Manager manages a team of dedicated staff and volunteers.

How to find out more

Phone or call in to see us, have a chat or lend a hand during opening hours at the office.

We produce a printed newsletter four times year, which details our current education programs and activities for each term. It is available on our website, mailed to our members and copies are also available to collect from local shops and businesses.

To receive regular updates about our programs via email, please contact us if you would like to be included on Okines E-News distribution list.