Becoming a member of Okines Community House is important for you & our community.

Membership is open to anyone who:

  • Is residing in 7173 postcode area
  • Is in agreement with the aims and ideals of the Association

Through your membership we can demonstrate to the Department of Premier & Cabinet (our funders) that the House is valuable to our community, supported by our community and can act as a legitimate voice for our community where appropriate.

Your membership gives you the right to have a voice on how the House is run.
You can vote in elections, attend general meetings and nominate for board positions.

Joining the House is free.
However, if you wish to participate in the Food Co-op or the Film Society you will need to join the house first and then pay the annual fees relating to each of these associated entities.

Community House
No fee
Food Co-op (optional)
$20 or $15 concession (annual)
Film Society (optional)
$35 or $25 concession (annual)

Help us make a positive difference to our community and
join now.

You can also view, download or print the Membership Form here.

Privacy Statement. Personal information is collected for the purpose of administering Okines Community House Inc. Allinformation that is collected is held in accordance with the Personal Information Protection Act 2004. A copy of the OkinesCommunity House Inc Privacy Policy is available by request to the House Manager.